A little background...
In 2015, Pluto and Co. (previously KalicoKrafts) was born from the love of cats, crafting and making people smile. My goal is to provide high quality, personalized products that can brighten up anyone's day.
Each of these great items is carefully handcrafted for each and every one of our customers. At Pluto and Co., YOU are unique. I aim to make each shopping experience enjoyable and satisfactory.
Wondering about the name? Pluto is one of my 3 cats, and my firstborn. When I rebranded from KalicoKrafts, she was the only cat I had at the time, and we were doing this crazy life just the two of us - hence, Pluto and Co.
Welcome to my shop, I'm confident you'll find something you love.
Each of these great items is carefully handcrafted for each and every one of our customers. At Pluto and Co., YOU are unique. I aim to make each shopping experience enjoyable and satisfactory.
Wondering about the name? Pluto is one of my 3 cats, and my firstborn. When I rebranded from KalicoKrafts, she was the only cat I had at the time, and we were doing this crazy life just the two of us - hence, Pluto and Co.
Welcome to my shop, I'm confident you'll find something you love.